Thursday, June 26, 2008

In between times

Our home is in the middle of chaos.

We're getting ready for a trip.
(more on that in a later post)

But in the midst of confussion,
I "noticed" Miss Sadie~Rose
and grabbed my camera.

Capturing these beautiful shots of her
that I love and will treasure forever.

She bring so much joy into our lives
and never ceases to bring a lopsided grin
or happy smile to the face
of all who see her.

They are already printed
(thank you Costco!)
and ready to be framed.


  1. I just thought of a new word to describe her: Scrumptious!

  2. ohhh that age is so delicious to me... seriously so....

    I love the rolls and roundness and happy baby, and wow.... it was a moment mine was like that, and yours was a new tiny one... crazy how fast these mommy years go..
