Thursday, April 03, 2008

I'm still alive

just incredibly busy.
We're getting ready for the annual Flowertown Festival that we do every year.
My parents and siblings have arrived
and I spent most of the day yesterday taking pictures of the purses
and then stayed up until 2pm sewing some "other" thing.
This afternoon is set-up and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday are the Festival.
I'll be back Tuesday, after all the family leaves.
Enjoy the weekend!


  1. Good luck at the festival - may you sell lots and lots of purses, but most of all have fun!!!

  2. Your purses are lovely! Have a wonderful festival, I hope that it will be a resounding success!

    Sarah :)

  3. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Very very cute bags as usual, Fairlight ;)
    I love the way you set them up for the pictures - very creative!

  4. Anonymous9:44 AM

    What gorgeous fabrics you manage to find! I hope your fesitival is a big success.

  5. Anonymous6:03 PM

    What a treat it was to meet you today! :-) But then I was so discombobulated at actually meeting real live in person someone I had only previously "met" online that I forgot to shop! :-( LOL. I was coming back by, but then they closed down the festival because of the weather!! Hoping to get back by tomorrow!
    Take care and hope to see you soon!
    Now that I know you are over here at blogger instead of MSN, I'll visit more!

  6. you are my first blogger comment. Ü

    i snuck in and kept quiet for awhile. i am going to keep my other at spaces for personal casual stuff. i had always intended to have a devotional style blog and took a big detour in blogland. it was a very worthwhile detour, but now i'm working on the original project i had in mind.

  7. O, I love this umbrella bag! And a flowertown festival sounds exactly like something that should happen here ... but it's not! So enjoy it for the rest of us, too! ;)

  8. Anonymous10:23 AM


  9. Enjoy your family and may the purse sales be prosperous! You're so talented, Fairlight!

  10. I hope the weekend was an absolute smashing success and that you SOLD OUT!

    Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Like their maker, these purses are truly amazing.

  11. you have gifts, ms. fairlight, seriously....

    hope it all went so well
