Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Celebrating Easter

We had a lovely Easter.
It started on Good Friday with Mike having the day off.
We went over to a friend's house with lots of other friends
and let all of our kids (10 of them) color 6 dozen eggs.

After egg decorating,
we went to the Friday night Easter service at church.

Aren't they so cute with their bunny ears?

I love these "bird's nest" carrot cupcakes
with cream cheese frosting, coconut, and
Reese's peanut butter bit eggs.
They were the bomb

The centerpiece of blooming hyacinths.

We had 6 children 5 years old and under.
It was a little wild at times.
The egg hunting brought out the worst in every one.
Each one cried.
I think we'll try something different next year.
After the hunt we locked them outside,
above is a picture of them after 2 1/2 hours of playing outside.

All in all, a very sweet memorable day, spent with dear friends
eating delicious food, and celebrating the fact that
"He Lives!"

I hope you all had a lovely a day as we did.


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    BWAHAHAHAHA! I love the picture of the kids all locked outside! I'm still laughing!!
    And you're SO right! Those cupcakes look like they were THE BOMB! ;) LOL
    Hey! Where are Mike's bunny ears?! Sadie~Rose is so adorable...and I'm SO JEALOUS - your hair grows very fast!! :P
    Glad you had such a great weekend!

  2. Just loving all the pictures. So fun to get to see everyone. The girls make darling Easter bunnies and you are as pretty as ever but how did your hair get that long, that fast?

    And that picture of the locked out kids is too funny.

    And your cupcakes look not only magazine worthy but super delish. So pretty!

  3. Kids crying at an egg hunt??? I guess kids will be kids, huh?!?!

    Sounds like you had a wonderful holiday and the cupcakes are
    lovely - I am very impressed....

  4. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Ok I'm lame & my brain is extremely susceptible to the power of suggestion. I went and bought some green tea (with goji berry pomagranate) yesterday at the grocery store and guess what? I really like it!
    I'm wondering what kind of tea you drink?
    Do you buy it from somewhere special or just at the grocery? Mostly just curious...I'm still in love with my morning cuppa joe but this is a nice afternoon pick me up ;)

  5. oh the whole thing looks delightfull.. for sure. Especially all the kids being outside.

  6. what a sweet family you have. it does sound like a nice day, eventhough it was a ilittle "busy"

  7. It looks like you had a lovely Easter. Your girls are just absolutely beautiful! And maybe one day I'll take some inspiration from right here and get brave enough to concoct something deliciously sweet for others to enjoy. And thanks for the loving thoughts, Fairlight. I realize we've never met, but very honestly, it's the support of dear women like you that has helped keep a little air in my liferaft!
