Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Sunday afternoon at the park


  1. Awww- look at those sweet baby cheeks- better then chocolate :-)

  2. looks like a tremendously fun afternoon...makes me excited for the dawning of spring in indiana! right now it is freezing cold...like single digits...and there is a dusting of snow (covered with a layer of ice, of course) covering the ground. brrrr! also, i am SO excited about the pif...already trying to think about what i will be doing to "pay it forward" to others!

  3. Your daughters are so cute and this day looks fantastic!!!

  4. Your oldest daughter looks like one of the little rugrats that runs around the preschool I teach at...very cute!

  5. Anonymous9:30 PM

    Fairlight, Sadie~Rose is adorable! She's grown so much since the last set of pictures. She's beautiful really! I love the pictures of you and her - that sling is super fab!
    Olivia is getting so big! The weather looks so enviable!!!

  6. oh so sweet. We have that hat!! :) These are so lovely so lovely. I must say everytime I see pictures of you I think gosh she looks young... your darling as is your sweet sweet family. Love the necklace.

  7. Oh! This post was so, so fun almost like we were there with you. If only we had been. And you and Sadie-Rose look oh so pretty together. I can't wait to try a "snuggle pod" with our future babies. :)
