Monday, February 11, 2008

And the winner is...

...all four people that left comments! :)
I just couldn't leave one out.
Besides, what's one more?
I only had four people want to play
(gasp! I'm so embarrassed.)
But, a great big Thank You to
and SecondStreetDesigns
for signing up and wanting to participate.
You girls email me
and let me know what your names and addresses are,
plus a few extra things like:
what color your winter coat is
do you go to the library lots
what color is your living room
what size belt do you wear
do you do lots of cooking
what's your favorite candy
do you like chocolate
how many kiddos and what are there names
what's your favorite thing in the whole wide world
what is your favorite craft (paper, fabric, paint, photography, etc)
and anything else that you would like to include.
I can't wait to start brainstorming and thinking up
something lovely to send your way.


  1. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Please don't be embarassed! I can only speak for myself here but the only reason I didn't join in on this one (yes, I read your post the same day published) is because of our uber-tight budget. To play PIF would put another pinch on our tiny budget. I sat and stared at the post for a good 5 minutes before reluctantly closing your page.
    So, don't feel bad! I think it's a wonderful idea and I'm sure that with those four you'll have your hands full coming up with creative ideas! You must post what you make for each of them though :) I love to see your creations!

  2. weirdest thing Fairlight, I swear I put a comment in there. Maybe the Lord knew my time restraints and wiped it away.. .how could I not with your lovely craftiness.. :)

  3. Oh Fairlight, it's just such a huge and generous offer and as much as I really do love this idea, at this point I didn't think I have the time or energy to pour into it what I would want to. But I am so excited to see what comes out of it...your four lucky people are sure to be dazzled with the lovely things you come up with for them. You are a absolute creative genius. And that's nothing to be embarrased of. :)

  4. oh...don't feel bad that you didn't have many responses. I read your blog too, but didn't comment since I just got done with my own PIF at Christmas time. From the sounds of it though...I should have tried it again! BY the way, the babes look gorgeous at the park too.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Oh, I am so very excited....

  7. Yea! So excited!! Thanks!

    Can't wait to do it on my own blog!

  8. Fairlight,
    I read your post the day after you made your announcement. What a lovely idea. I will watch other blogs to see the progress.

    Sarah :)

  9. Ach! I wouldn't feel bad! I only had three comments on my PIF and of those three, one person didn't leave any contact information (doesn't have a blog or e-mail) so now I am down to and someone else!!! I am glad you responded though because I have been looking at your blog and it has so many creative ideas on it. Love it!

  10. thanks so much! i can't wait to do it on my website. however, i just started my blog, so i would probably be lucky to have even one person sign up! i might need to wait until my numbrs go up a little bit! thanks for the inspiration.
