Wednesday, November 28, 2007

She's Arrived

Sadie~Rose Joy

November 21st

10:21 pm

7 lbs.

19 3/4" long

After a long day of baking pies, crescent rolls, making cranberry fluff, and putting up Christmas decorations, a quick trip to the chiropractic, and a run to the grocery store, Sadie~Rose decided to make her appearance!
On her due date, no less. :)
After 3 1/2 hours of labor, she was born
safely and beautifully at home.
It couldn't have been more simple or lovely.
We are so thankful that she is here,
safe and sound
and healthy as can be.
Thank you to everyone for the prayers and congratulations!
It means so much.


  1. I keep trying to think of an adjective to describe this little bundle of JOY.:) And the word that keeps coming to mind is... scrumptious. She's so sweet and dear and oh Fairlight, that top picture and all the rest of her pictures make me cry... I just ache at the thought of being this far away. But I love you. Sadie~Rose Joy is blessed beyond measure to get to have you for her Mama and Mike for her daddy and Olivia, as her adoring sister. X's and O's from our home to yours. :)

  2. So so excited for you little family and all the sweet sweet moments your getting right this moment. She is really beautiful fairlight as Im sure you will see even more in charachter as time goes on.
    You are such a trooper and have handled this all with such ease. Im so so proud of you.

  3. beautiful! so glad everyone is well and happy!

  4. Oh my goodness! She's gorgeous!!! Welcome to the world Sadie Rose...

  5. She is BEAUTIFUL! What an awesome blessing.
    Enjoy your new bundle of joy!
    God bless :)

  6. Anonymous3:41 AM

    She is so gorgeous!!!
    Welcome Sadie-Rose!

  7. Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations!! What a beautiful blessing of a little girl. I am so incredibly happy for you and your ever-growing family! What a crazy busy day, and to think you still had time to give birth!!;)

  8. she's beautiful! Congratulations! ;-)
