Monday, November 12, 2007

Plans or the lack thereof...

This baby hasn't come yet,
obviously. :)
Around Wednesday (or was it Thursday?)
I got terribly bored with all this sitting around doing nothing.
So I signed up for a sewing class at our local quilt shop.
It was an apron making class based on the book
The Apron Book: Making, Wearing, and Sharing
a Bit of Cloth and Comfort
by EllynAnne Geisel
It was a lot of fun.
I've been sewing for 15 years now
and I've never taken a sewing class before.
I am working on finishing up the details of my new apron today.
Pockets and such.
Will post a picture as soon as I get it finished.
(It's finished! Love the way it turned out!)

And other news...
we still have no new baby.
I'm really tired of waiting,
day in and day out.
Not making plans,
not cooking dinner,
not going anywhere,
not doing anything,
not having new projects to work on and complete,
can't even make Christmas plans.

I've changed all of that.
I've been completely inspired.
I now have my list of Christmas gifts made out (two of them actually)
and have decided that all the women~folk in the family are getting
one store bought item and one handmade item,
all friends are getting handmade or hand-baked items.
and the guys are all just getting gift cards,
(with the exception of a select few)
because they are all way to hard to buy for and
I just don't have the extra time this year to agonize over
Catch my drift?
I'm very pleased with my new course of action
and have marked pages in magazines for ideas,
blogs marked for inspiration,
the Christmas music playing,
(shhhhh...don't tell Mike!)
and I'm so excited to be moving forwards.
I even,
believe it or not,
have a small list of projects
that I want to whip up for my Etsy store.
So I'm going to be one busy pregnant lady for this week.
I'm even planning on getting all the boxes of decorations out of the closet,
and drag them downstairs (tree included!)
to await the day after Thanksgiving.
I'm crazy, I know.
So be it.
I'll be the crazy pregnant lady...
But only for a week or two.
Then I want to go back to being just
~ Fairlight ~
Then one of you guys can take over on the crazy part.


  1. That was an adorable post. Totally adorable. :) Just like YOU! I love you and am so in awe of how beautifully you are handling these days of waiting for that precious new girl of yours to show up.

  2. Your apron is stunning! You are the most inspirational girl, ever. I can't believe how much you're accomplishing in the last few days/weeks 'til baby-day!

  3. oh, i love this post, and that apron! so perfect! I hope your baby will come soon! I feel for you! We are decorating for christmas next week and I can not wait!

  4. And that apron. It's amazing.

  5. love this entry.
    I so sense your anticpation, gosh why does that feel like 2 seconds ago. For real.
    Im amazed at your peace in waiting Fairlight, and I do firmly believe it will pay off leaps and bounds in labor.
    In the meantime, Im so proud of all you have gotten done.... keep on, keeping on.
    Your a blessing, Rose will be here soon, all the work might just fit the bill!

  6. You are an inspiration. Pregnant or not! You make me feel ashamed of myself. Love that apron. I will have to flip through that book and figure out which one it is. It's actually open on my studio floor right now as I've been modifying an apron from that book to make aprons for all my little nieces.

  7. oh was going to tell you lately...
    Im normally the crazy one..

    will be happy to resume the roll... :)

    Feeling good today?

  8. Just popping in to check up on you this morning, dearie. :)How are your spirits?

  9. what an inspiration you are. keep up the lovely crafty work. this post made me want to start up a wish list myself!

  10. Your apron turned out great!

  11. hello again, wondering how you are holding up. maybe you already had the baby? just wanted to let you know I am having a jewelry give away tomorrow! hopefully you will have time to pop in!

  12. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Great job on that apron! Beautiful!
    And being busy like that is probably the best way to make that baby come out! LOL
    Praying for you!
    God bless :)

  13. And how was your weekend, sweet friend?

  14. I have developed a fixation with aprons in the past couple of months, making a couple & even buying a couple vintage one's on e*bay; that being said, your's turned out yummy!
    I'm also liking the Christmas plan- well, except for the tree & decorations (love looking at them, dislke putting them up :P); besides, there is nothing like scheduling something to trigger a baby arrival :)

  15. Yoo-hoo!
    I miss you.
    How are things over there? Praying nonstop for you. :) A love from each of us, to each of you.
