Friday, November 02, 2007

It's a giveaway day...

Don't you just love giveaways? I mean, you leave a comment, and that's it! Your entered to win and you go on your merry way. Now granted, I've never won any of these giveaways but it's still fun! Here are a few that I've signed up for.

Carrie at ~ Carrie's Crafty Cottage ~ is having a Christmas music giveaway. Who couldn't use more Christmas music? I know that I never stop buying it, but I would also love to win it.

The Apronista is giving away the most amazing Christmas Hostess Apron. It is so adorable! Who wouldn't love to wear this on Christmas as they serve a delicious meal to their family and friends?

Mamanista is giving away a Rockin' Baby sling. These look awesome! I'm thrilled to be able to enter this one, because I would adore having this sling. Make sure you go to Mamanista to sign up!

New Momma's Nest has a giveaway for a Nest baby sling. Who doesn't love wearing their babies?

And Design Mom always has some of the best giveaways in the blog 'o sphere. Check her out!


  1. Anonymous8:17 PM

    Hey! Thanks for linking to me :) I never win giveaways either, but it never stops me from entering in them!

    How exciting that your midwife thinks that the baby is coming this week! Hooray! I'll keep you in my prayers.

    God bless :)

  2. Wow. Thanks for the link love. I heart Giveaways too.

  3. I just wandered into your blog & I don't think I will ever leave. I look forward to looking all through your old posts. What a fun place to be!

  4. I saw our pics on the flickr pool of your swap.. so yummy.... seriously.. you outdid yourself!

  5. btw.. is there a baby?

  6. Anonymous10:21 PM

    A winner has been chosen in my Nest Baby Sling giveaway. Congrats to Jenna!

    For the rest of you- I've lost my mind and am offering 25% off all orders placed by November 30 and 15% of all orders placed by December 31, 2007!!!

    Just enter the following code at check out:
    FallYall25 (valid now through 11.30.07)
    FallYall15 (valid 12.01.07 through 12.31.07)

    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and enter!

    Ashlee Allen

    Mama's Nest
    Mama Speaks
    Nest Baby Sling

  7. How are you hanging in there, dearie?
