Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A welcome to Autumn

A happy Sunday morning,
hearing the brisk wind
whistling around the corners of our cozy home.
Hot coffee (for Mike) and hot tea (for me)
with warm bagels for breakfast
as we dashed out the door to church.
Olivia in a black velor jumper with red roses on it
and her new red tights.
(She's had this dress picked out for 2 months now.)
Me, in my fabulous cords
without feeling like I was going to die from heat stroke.
And Mike fine in a short sleeve hawaiian shirt (go figure.)
A trip to the fruit stand so I could take pictures,
Just the right sort of day.
And here are the results.

Afterwards, home.

Delicious piping hot taco soup.

Then, cleaning.

Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning.

Everything ready for baby.

A few tears along the way, but we're ok.

Clean bathrooms.

Clean bedrooms.

Clean FROG.

Cleaned off desk and cleaned out filing cabinet.

Even clean fans!

Bed for baby,

tucked in beside Mommy and Daddy's bed.

Diapers washed and stacked on the dresser.

Clothes all ready,

blankets and toy (picked out by big sister) at the ready.

God is so good.

We are so blessed.

Fell into bed at 10:30


  1. So you must be enjoying your sparkling clean house.
    And, those cords look so adorable on you! And, Olivia looks the picture of fall. And, such lovely, lovely pictures from the fruit stand.
    And, she's coming...pretty soon!

  2. .I gut got the shirt back. Resending it today!

    So sorry, is it too late?

  3. Anonymous5:33 PM

    I am very excited for you! I'll bet Olivia is a bundle of anxiousness :)
    I agree with Chelle, you look very nice in your chords :) I love the black and brown too!!

  4. Ooohhh...I love those pictures of your sweet family! What a busy, productive, and fun day!

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Love the pictures! Enjoy your clean house :)

    When are you due? It must be soon, I've seen Chelle mention that it's getting close, too.

    God bless :)

  6. i love your photos here! i hope you are feeling well. this time last year i was waiting for my third child to be born and he was three days late!!! but so worth it!
