Friday, July 27, 2012

July 2012 {10 on 10}

Crazy crazy day. You can't tell it from the photos, but it was. We had friend from WA. staying with, a house showing, a hurt foot, a thunder storm, preparations for a craft night at my house, preparations for a craft bazaar, and church all in one day. I'm short a couple photos but I was just snapping them as I went, not counting and hoping I had my 10. I have 9. Enough for this time.

 7am - coffee in a favorite vintage-thrift-store-find-mug to get me going

8am - craft bazaar products all stacked up and so cute to look at

 9am - getting the floor swept for the showing

 10am - the lace table cloth from Mike's grandmother, always on our table for show

 1pm - a crashed out boy (yes, it's crazy blurry but he's so darn cute)

 2pm - mandevilla in the rain 

 3pm - Olivia's twisted ankle

4pm - working on more craft bazaar items

5pm - Mac and friends fill my living room floor


  1. Oh dear heart. How do you keep up with yourself? I *love* the vintage mug and hope that Olivia's ankle feels better soon. Poor kid!

  2. Lovely photos! Hope Olivia's ankle heals quickly - and enjoy the craft bazaar - looks like you are contributing some pretty items :)
