Saturday, June 16, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

We didn't do a whole huge lot on Memorial Day weekend. It was just us, no family or friends, so very quiet. A date on Monday + take-out with the girls, church on Sunday and the buying of a very large anniversary present, and on Saturday lots of relaxing and playing. In the evening we decided to take Rosie over to the school ball field and start practicing riding her bike without training wheels.
 She had received a glider bike for her 3rd birthday and had gotten really good at it and loved riding it. But when we switched her to a bike with peddles, it was all a bit too much coordination for a newly minted 4 year old to try and balance, steer, and peddle all at the same time. So we pulled the training wheels out and stuck them on. She was happy and we were a bit chagrined that the whole idea of the glider bike had seemingly not worked. Fast forward 6 months to May and by this point she had been begging us for 2 months to please take her training wheels off. Our long weekend at home seemed like a perfect time to try.

We walked over to the feild, shut the gates (to keep the boy captive) Mike took off the training wheels and she hopped on. 1st time around the feild, he was holding her up and she was crying that she couldn't ever learn it. 2nd time around the field, he held her less and she was still frustrated that she hadn't gotten it yet. 3rd time around the field, he let go and she took off. He ran along side, gently tapping her sides if she started leaning to far over. 4th time around required nothing. She had it. All in a space of about 5 minutes.
We were amazed and she was so proud. There is nothing quite like the look of proud accomplishment on your child's face when they conquer something they were struggling with.

We spent over an hour, going round and round, learning things like; how to start, ("give yourself a little kick") and most importantly, how to stop on command ("red light, STOP!") That it's ok to go "fast like a rabbit" sometimes, but often times "slow like a turtle" is safer and best. Sticking together and always keeping mommy and daddy in sight are very important. Don't always try to race big sister, (my little competitive middle child!) please avoid running over baby brother and other people it at all possible, and never cross the road without a grown up.

It was an amazing evening, seeing your baby grow up before your eyes. The weather was perfect, no bugs, and the light was perfection. I took a ton of pictures.
Sweet Rose, you are now a full-fledged two-wheeled bike rider! We are so proud of you!

 taking the training wheels off

 2nd time around, she's still upset she can't do it on her own

 3rd time around, she's doing it herself!

 the lil man was just happy to be free and in the dirt!

 catching their breath

 Miss O. who didn't want her picture taken

all my loves doing their thing

She was so happy and proud. <3

1 comment:

  1. sounds like a wonderful weekend! Sadie is so sweet and my, does riding without training wheels ever make her seem grown up! :)
