Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Resurection Sunday 2012

Sadie-Rose being silly after church.

We spent the day, like many other believers in Christ do, going to church service and celebrating our Risen Savior. What a day of Thanksgiving, to know that our only hope is Alive and seated in Heaven. We were privileged to have this Sunday to serve in Children's Church. We love our Children's ministry leaders, so it's always a blessing to get to hang out with them for a couple of hours every couple of weeks, even if we are surrounded by 50-70 kids for the vast majority of that time.

We came home and cooked steaks on the grill and roasted potatoes and fresh cornbread. Yummy-ness.
And Mike made home ice cream. It can't get any better than that. 

She was happy with her mommy-made dress, even though her face looks otherwise in this picture.
Mike and our babies. The sun was terribly bright, hence the "squint"
Me with my littles and my not so littles :) 

This is my son. He is a boy, what can I say?


And we  finished off dinner with chocolate bunnies and carrots. We're not a bunnies-and-eggs-for-easter family, but Olivia mentioned several times that it would be fun to have a chocolate bunny. Just for fun.
So I did it. Just for her. Because I knew she'd love it. And it was sweet to see her face and see the surprise when she came inside and saw these sitting on our dinner plates. Those are the moments that make all the bad moments of being a mom worth it.

Later, Mike and I very much enjoyed sitting on the couch in the sunshine, with the windows open and a breeze blowing in, reading 4 months of Mother Earth News and Countryside magazines while baby boy slept and the girls played and read. Words can't really express how nice it was to not spend our afternoon planning lessons and rushing out the door by 4pm as we usually do. Definitely some much need R&R.
And that my friends, is about it. I hope your weekend was a joy-filled.

1 comment:

  1. My - is Olivia ever getting tall! Love Sadie's polk-a-dots and the chocolate bunny and carrot are just too cute! :)
