Saturday, March 17, 2012

A sampler quilt

A friend and I have been tossing an idea around since last March (last March????) to make a quilt together. Or rather, I teach her how to quilt and we each make a quilt. I had a new baby and then she had a baby and life got even more busy but we still kept bringing it up, mentioning it here and there and after we spent almost every Wed. afternoon together from Oct-Dec working on Christmas presents we finally decided to get our act together, order some fabrics, and pick a quilt pattern. Funny us, we thought it would be that simple. We both bought our fabrics, my friend for her daughter, me for myself and then we realized we'd come to a sort of dilemma. I had bought my fabrics with a specific pattern in mind and enough to make a queen size quilt (for my bedroom no less) and she had bought her fabrics for her daughter and for a twin size quilt. I was looking at a large scale repeating pattern and when we talked to the little miss we discovered she was wishing for a sampler type quilt with every block a different pattern. I had to to a bit of thinking. After a week of contemplating and fabric soul searching, I pulled out a stash of vintage Amy Butler prints and decided to use the to make not one, but two, twin size quilts for my girls since they will be sharing a room for the most of their foreseeable future in our home. And then my friend and I pulled out my quilt patterns and books and since we didn't see anything quite exactly like we were wanting, I grabbed a pencil and sheet of paper and sketched a rough draft of a twin size quilt, sampler style, based loosely on a queen sized quilt that we liked.
Now we were in business!
After we washed all of our fabrics and dried them and ironed them.

Did I mention that we have 8 kids between the two of us age 8 and under and we both home school?
Oh well. It's a bit slow going, but we are excited. And I can't wait to see them done and on the girls' beds.

After 6 weeks we finally have 4 blocks worth of pieces cut and 2 10" squares sewn. Progress I tell you!


  1. I can hardly wait to see what you come up with after you know deciding to make 4 quilts to go in the boys room in 4 completely different colors and patterns! I go back and forth with my own quilt (king size) for when I finish these four to go with a repeat or a sampler. who knows maybe I'll work it more like finns i think there are 6 block styles that go together to make 12 large blocks to make up his quilt. you know if I ever finish quilting rory's mini quilt.

  2. Oooo - pretty fabric! I'm sure it will be a beautiful work of art :)

  3. You have to start somewhere!! Can't wait to see your progress--I'm sure all the quilts will be gorgeous!

  4. sounds great! doing a little along the way is better than nothing. look forward to seeing the finished product. i'm just starting a surprise lap quilt for my husband...hoping to get it done by may 4 for his we're having baby #4 in may and i'd like it to be done before then ;).
