Wednesday, November 02, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 2

Day 2
Today I am thankful for:
a day at home
friends who don't mind my sink (and counter) full of dirty dishes
Christmas crafting
1 gift all finished except a last coat of modge podge (I'd share but the recipient reads my blog)
said gift turning out exceptionally well (much to my delight)
children playing with their good friends
a daughter who is willing to "give up"unfettered playtime to watch her baby brother so mommy can get work done
more sunshine
it being warm enough to have the windows open
teething tablets
Olivia practicing her violin and learning her new song
practicing our ASL together after dinner

I can't believe it's already the 2nd of November! I'm still in shock. But, I'm getting my crafty pants on (fiinally) and getting to work on my Christmas list. A lot of what I'm making is going to family and they mostly read my blog, so no sharing for now. But. I'm so excited about today's results, I can't wait to work on some more. :) Happy 2nd day of November to you!


  1. Happy November to you, too. I can't wait to see your crafty projects... you may have to email pics because I don't think I can wait until after Christmas to see! xoxo, Dawna

  2. The photo is breath taking! And...I will get that vinyl in the mail to you very soon!! I wish I could be crafting with you!
