Tuesday, November 22, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 24

The turkeys are cooking, the pies are done, rolls are done, trifle is chilling, we've had the best family pictures taken by this awesome photographer, footballs playing, and I just wanted to share my thoughts today.

Thanksgiving Day
Today I'm thankful for all the usual things. 
a home
and on and on the list goes

but today I'm overwhelmed with thankful for my Maker. 
God in heaven
Creator of the Universe
He set this world in motion, threw stars into their places, gave them names and a song to sing
and all the way down through everything, He made me. 
And in my heart I bow down and worship 
because it's a little to big and awesome for my small mind and heart to take in.
And on top of it all
He sent a Savior 
to love me
die for me
save me
deliver, redeem, and sanctify me
to make me holy
like He is holy
Sweet Jesus

I think some days in Heaven are going to be a little bit like Thanksgiving Day here on earth, just with a whole lot more people and some rockin' awesome worship time and no dishes to do afterwards. 

Praise Him from whom all blessings flow...

Have a blessed and wonderful Thanksgiving. <3

1 comment:

  1. This post. I love this this post so much. Thankful for your beautiful heart today. xo
