Saturday, November 19, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 18 and 19

I'm pretty wiped out, I have to admit. Thursday night I came down with a bad case of mastitis. It's just the way my body handles stress right now. To much stress and early mornings and late nights and skipped meals means it's going to make me stop and rest one way or another. So I spent all day in bed yesterday and part of today and probably will do the same a good part of tomorrow as well. But I do have some thankfuls to report.

Day 18 - I'm thankful for:
the ability to take a day off and just rest
Olivia for taking care of her brother and sister all day and fixing me multiple cups of tea, glasses of water, and a snack and still getting all of her school work done to boot
Sadie-Rose for snuggling up and taking a 2 1/2 hour nap next to me
Mike for looking after me and taking up my slack, for taking over Sadie-Rose's birthday party, and not complaining one bit
friends and family who call to check on me
a friend who came by just to drop off some allicillin
my body telling me when enough is enough and when to reevaluate what I'm spending my time
hot tea, cups and cups of it
a comfortable bed to lie in and a eiderdown to snuggle under
Mike taking on the challenge and making a dairy free/gluten free cake for Rosie's party because I couldn't stand up without seeing stars

Day 19 - I'm thankful for:
getting to sleep in
feeling a bit better
my girlies help packaging up favor bag
Mike making Rose her favorite homemade chocolate ice cream
friends and family calling to make sure I was feeling better and reminding me not to over due
seeing the delight on Rosie's face when she saw her birthday cake frosted and decorated
friends who came out to help us celebrate Sadie-Rose turning 4 in a few days
long hot soaks in the tub
hot chili made by Mike for our dinner
feeling another load of stress come off as I bailed out of helping in Children's Church in the morning and then teaching AWANA in the evening (yes, I do feel terribly guilty about that)
clothes tumbling in the drier

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