Thursday, November 17, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 16


Yesterday was such a busy day I was too exhausted to stay up and write.
But, here are yesterdays thankful's:

good reports from the orthodontist
new fresh color bands that match Olivia's outfit for picture taking in OK
having someone sack my groceries and carry them to the car for me
open windows
friends over for the afternoon and evening
an easy dinner that we did together
getting the craft needed for the the day after we fly home almost finished
my engineering husband who likes a challenge and is determined to fix anything
him helping me "fix" my crafting problem (that he discovered)
not crying from sheer exhaustion, frustration, failure, and low blood sugar
sharing good laughs with friends
having friends for all my kids to play with and how much they love each other

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