Friday, November 11, 2011

30 Days of Gratefulness - Day 11

Today I'm thankful for:
coffee and travel mugs
down vests
cool field trips with our home school group
an amazing friend who agrees to organize these field trips, even when the ticket buying attendees number 298 (and that doesn't even include all the under-5 set that didn't need tickets!)
getting to hang out with friends for 7 hours
having this plantation host a Living History Field trip day
reenactors who are willing to share their knowledge and passion with the general public
the smell of a campfire
having kids who love to ask questions as much as Mike and I do
silly kiddos who think filling our lunch bag and all their pockets with pecans is the best thing ever
getting to have Mike spend the day with us
finally getting to check out the new Trader Joe's
chocolate covered peppermint cookies
popcorn and hot tea for dinner
the coolest date of 11.11.11
for all the men and women who have served and are serving our amazing country. Happy Veterans Day!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the photo--and now I want to visit the south even more than I did before! Boone Hall plantation looks amazing! It's SO completely different from the kind of history we have in the Northwest.
