Thursday, June 30, 2011

All because

Several weeks ago it was my birthday. I turned 27. I still don't think I'm ready for that, but I'm optimistically hoping that 27 will be better than any other year previously. It didn't get off to a very auspicious start, I have to say. I was quite quite ill the day before and spend it in bed, so on my birthday I was not up for the planned dinner or dessert, so we postponed the larger amount of celebrating until the weekend. We took Saturday and decided that after skate lessons we would head downtown Charleston. The day didn't go exactly as planned but it was still an amazing day and I felt so blessed. We had lunch at this restaurant that I had heard lots about from friends. The food was yummy, though not spectacular, but the atmosphere was very fun and the girls actually ate their food. Our waitress told us that we had a beautiful family after seeing all of our kids.

After stuffing ourselves on tacos we decided to take the trolley down to the battery and take a house tour that is part of our plantation membership. Having not ever worked the trolley system before, we sat at the wrong bus stop for 30 minutes and by the time we made it down to the battery, the house was already closed. Oh well, another day and time and a lesson well learned.

We decided to take a stroll along the sea wall. The weather was so perfect. Very warm, but not hot, lots of breeze of the harbor and lovely sunshine. As we walked along the girls had to stop every time they found a stone of stick and toss it over the side and into the water. I got very lost in watching them and remembering taking a walk along this very same wall, hand in hand with my sweetheart on a very windy chilly November day 9 1/2 years previously. I was in awe over these little beings who mean everything to their dad and I, who hadn't even been alive at the time and that saying "all because two people fell in love" kept coming to mind. These 3 people who are each so unique and have all brought us an immense amount of joy and love are here in front of me because just a few years previously a man had gotten up the courage to ask "Will you marry me?" of a young girl and she said "yes!" and the rest just happen, because 2 people fell in love.
Now, I know that kids are a product of marriage and even not of marriage and babies are born every day, but to just take a moment and contemplate it and see them with my own eyes in a place where Mike and I had been standing, looking out to sea and trying to find Fort Sumter and Fort Moultrie, playing together and knowing that 9 years ago while I had hoped and prayed for babies, I could never have imagined these exact specific little children and it made me want to cry, and kiss them, and have more babies, and kiss them some more, and cry some more. Extremely overwhelming with the enormity of it all. (Yes, I'm crazy. I know.)

After we finished our walk on the battery wall, we walked over to the park where I had played on vacation as a little girl and then to the gazebo in the park where Mike asked me to be his wife. We had to tell the story to Olivia again. Kissing, and blushing, and holding hands. Sometimes I forget how much history we have here.

We caught the trolley again to take us back to our car and got a grand tour of Charleston in the process. I think we all enjoyed the bus ride for the sheer novelty and newness of it, plus the fact that we didn't have to walk from one end of Charleston to the other!
It was a really wonderful day and I was so thankful to have spent it with my sweet loves, big and small.


  1. So umm thank you for making me all teary eyed at work over your "and all because too people fell in love" quote :) hehe

    and your belated birthday looked so sweet and lovely, thanks for sharing with us.

  2. It makes me so happy to see that you are blogging again dearie. I keep hoping I'll get back to posting again someday too. Loved all the gorgeous birthday photos and hearing all about the sweet stirrings of your heart! And little Samuel, I could just kiss him right up. He is just so yummy.xo

  3. Beatiful post...and happy birthday, just a little late! It sounds like you had a lovely birthday celebration. How special to be able to visit those sweet places where life-altering memories were made. And you're really making me want to visit Charleston!
