Saturday, November 06, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 5

Today I'm grateful for:
estate sales and being on the mailing list
consignment sales and new maternity shirts for $4 a piece
my GPS which directs me and sometimes takes me down unknown roads in beautiful neighborhoods which can also lead me to treasures like the vintage yellow crib left on the side of the road that became mine in all of 30 seconds. :)
a daughter who likes to thrift and hunt goodies as much as I do
good math lessons where no one cries and we both learn something
hugging Olivia
long conversations with my mom and sister on the phone
brisk autumn weather that calls for knee socks and tall boots
holding hands with Sadie-Rose
evening walks with Mike


  1. So many lovely things packed into one day...and that dear yellow vintage crib, was just waiting around the corner to be found by someone who will love and cherish it as much as I know you will. And yellow...hmmm maybe that's a hint that you are having a boy. ( Not that I wouldn't put a baby girl in a yellow crib, of course. )

  2. loving these posts of yours and the crib sounds like an amazing score!! - do we get to see pictures? :)

    lots of love!
