Monday, November 22, 2010

30 Days of Greatfulness, Day 26


Day 26,
Today I am greatful for:
not having to roll out of bed at 3:30 am to hit the Black Friday deals like my mom, dad, brother, sister, and husband all did
sleeping in and then snuggling with Rose in bed for half an hour
seeing the teenagers utter silliness because they had all been up for 24 hours straight
secret telling with Mike about Christmas presents for the girls
the beautiful-ness of a frosty morning
naps in the morning for everyone (except Olivia)
pie for lunch
with chili on the side
thrift store shopping with no kids
scoring a cute dress for each of us girls at a consignment shop
sweet finds of pyrex at the flea market
Rose's utter delight that I was finally home hours later
fresh milk and warm cookies from my parents neighbors
watching Rose open her birthday gifts from my parents and seeing her concentration on "doing it herself" with the lacing cards
her showing off to every single family member when she finished each one
bubble baths for little girls so mommy and daddy can have a moment of peace
non-swearing, but still entertaining, movies in the evening
snuggling with Mike and Rose (and my large belly) in a full size bed (it made for some cozy moments)

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