Friday, September 03, 2010


The other day, all our stars were aligned properly
and I had make-up
and the girls had their hair brushed and decent clothes on
so I grabbed my camera and took a few pictures of us.
They turned out so well Mike took all of them to work
the very next morning for his screen saver at work.

Of course we are completely biased about our girls,
but when they smile like this,
how could you not be?

I can't believe how fast they are growing.
Olivia is our big girl as always, but she's almost at my shoulder.
At 7.
I don't think I'm quite ready for that.

And Sadie~Rose has changed so much lately.
She talks.
Never ending-ly.
From the moment she wakes up until she closes her eyes at night.
She has a good teacher from her sister.

And the girlies aren't the only ones who have been growing lately.
Baby #3 is making his/her mark as well.
I'm now "officially" pregnant to everyone who see's me.
No hiding it anymore.
19 weeks has been good to me though.
And I'm awfully lough to give up my skinnies. :)
It's the only pair of jeans I can still wear.

Hope you all have a wonderful and lovely
Labor Day Weekend!
We are planning possible trips to the beach,
the Charleston Farmer's Market and downtown
or if nothing else, a trip to the playground.
We are all quite excited about the possibilities!
See you back next week and hopefully
I'll be able to share some exciting news with y'all.


  1. Lovely, lovely, lovely photos!! The camera loves you....and your little ladies. I did a double take at your baby bump--seems like it was just the other day you announced Baby #3 is on the way, and now you look officially pregnant! I guess January isn't that far off...where has this year gone?

    I hope Hurricane Earl doesn't spoil your weekend plans!! XO

  2. All of you girls are just beautiful! I understand the impossibility of getting good shots with multiple children....the stars were aligned! have a fun weekend!

    And what might this news be?

  3. Can't wait til oct to see you and the girls! miss you much!

  4. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Pretty girls! Pretty pictures! Your baby bump is lovely too! Enjoy the long weekend. We are heading up to NC to visit with my hubby's family. Should be fun.

  5. beautiful... beautiful.

  6. I love you sweet mama, and boy do you guys look so cute!

  7. Adorable photos - and congratulations on the news of #3 on the way!

  8. i check your blog every now and then to see updated pics and hear some good music. congratulations to you and mike!! we are happy for you.
