Wednesday, September 08, 2010

A little bit of Labor Day

We didn't do anything super exciting over our long weekend, but we had a long to-do list and we took Monday to just relax and hang out. It was nice to have a day to just sleep in late, fix a yummy breakfast, take a bike ride, and watch a movie before cleaning up the kitchen and fixing dinner. Here are a couple of pictures I took of our weekend.

Rose's snack of frozen blueberries and honey.

Daddy spent lots of time working on his truck.
(I'm so thankful for a father in-law that taught
mechanics to his sons.)

Yummy raspberries before they were tossed into our breakfast.

Here's our breakfast.
Delicious raspberry scones.

I had a visitor on my bike.
I took his picture and then quickly shooed him away.
Reptiles and I do not mix.

Rosie and Daddy.
This is her favorite position.

She'd stay up there forever.

We took Olivia to the Middle School
right behind our house so that she could
get in some more skating practice.

Burger's on the grill.
So iconic American and Labor Day weekend.

I hope yours was just as lovely.


  1. Anonymous9:49 PM

    I love it fairlight. your blog is just too cute! nice scones, I wish I had flour to make some!!! I am all out. :P

  2. few things...

    1. What a lovely relaxing, fun family filled Monday...

    2. Those scones look yummy...

    3. I think the way Americans say 'scones' is really very funny!

    4. You owe me a bike picture remember .. handle bars just don't cut it missy!

    Love you and love this post too :)

  3. Anonymous5:03 PM

    Those look like some DEElicious scones! Mmmm! Glad you all had a relaxing weekend filled with family time.

    Often, my hubby will take Jacob up to the same middle school where they improvise a frisbee golf course or hit balls at the ball field. Or they shoot baskets. There is rarely anyone up there, so it is nice that way. nice that your hubby is so handy!! :-)

  4. I agree with everyone else, those scones look divine! (And KT, I think it's you Aussies who say 'scone' funny!) I'm glad you were able to have a slow, relaxing at home with family kind of's really nice, isn't it?

  5. what a picture perfect weekend!!! And those scones are making my mouth water and it's almost midnight here!!!

    Also, SO LOVING the pictures of you and your two gorgeous girls below...what beautiful smiles...boy or girl in that adorable little baby bump of yours I'm sure it will have just as pretty of a smile as the three of you!!
    love you!!
