Wednesday, May 26, 2010

What are you greatful for?

Although we are technically still a little ways from summer, we have been enjoying the early days of it here. Sunshine, breezes, windows open, entire afternoons spent in the pool, and fruit. Lots and lots of fresh fruit.

10 Things I'm greatful for today:
1. fresh cherries
2. thrifted pyrex
3. $2 vintage child's chair garage sale find
4. the kissable face of a 2 year old
5. gentle rain
6. plans for a date celebration on Saturday
7. a stack of freshly laundered vintage sheets
8. prayer in the morning with Mike
9. the hugs of Olivia
10. playing hide and seek with my girls

Good List Daily


  1. oh that chair is a steal.

  2. That chair! Between you and Leslie I am just swooning. :) I wish we could do entire afternoons at the pool here ... soon! A few good and sunny days but it's been pouring again. I am grateful school is almost done - three weeks and two days! :)

  3. And I am grateful for *you*. And, experiencing summer by proxy ... ;)

  4. okay, that chair is too die for, especially with that yellow bowlful of I am thank for for:

    * a post from YOU

    * that my three hour dentist appointment is over

    * that my craft room now has the
    first coat of paint on the walls...and I love, love it...

    next up:
    * a run in the rain/trip to the P.O.,to send off my vintage sheets to you walls...and a quick stop in at Huckleberries with the kids for a little pick me up treat...

  5. Hi Fairlight - just stopped by via Chelle's Whimsicalities - love the fruit pics - so summery! And definitely agree about the chair
    :) Andrea

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

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  7. Oh lovely Miss! How missed you are.
    I adore you, your happy thoughts and your beautiful babies. You "finds" are so darling, and make me wish to live somewhere that vintage doesn't mean "Seventies equestrian" lol (although, you might all be surprised at what you can do with that as well!).....
    I love you so, and am longing to hear your beautiful voice.
    XOX, Minta

  8. Anonymous6:38 PM

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  12. Anonymous12:56 AM

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  13. Anonymous1:26 AM

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  14. Anonymous6:30 AM

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  15. Anonymous1:35 AM

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  16. Anonymous4:50 AM

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  17. Anonymous6:29 PM

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  18. Anonymous5:54 PM

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  19. Missing your sweet voice in blogland, Fairlight! Hope your summer is going well, and that your family is soaking up lots of sunshine! xox

  20. Anonymous10:35 PM

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  21. Anonymous6:33 AM

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  22. Anonymous10:14 PM

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