Tuesday, May 04, 2010

a little wish list

Mother's Day is just around the corner and we are involved in all of our card writing and sending today. So much love being sent out to mother's and grandmother's and great-grandmother's.
My sweet husband never really know quite what to do on Mother's Day so I thought I would make him a little list of ideas to possibly help ease to stress of what "to do."

1. I think this sweet mug is all too cute.

2. Love love love the Matrushka measuring cups

3. I think these Babushkups Cups are darling.

4. You know how I love to make lists, this would be prefect.

5. I'm pretty sure I've mentioned "porch swing" a few times lately. :)

6. And some outdoor pillows to go on said swing would be lovely as well.

7. I think I've also mention that I need a few special things, just between you and me sweetheart.

8. dinner on the grill, (steak or shrimp perhaps) salad, and sweet potatoes. Friends over maybe?

9. a trip to Cold Stone Creamery for ice cream or the fixings at home for sundaes, yummy!

10. I'm in great need of a new set of measuring cups, pastry cutter, a silicone spatula or two, and pretty dish towels.

11. Anthropology Latte bowls always hold a soft spot in my heart.

12. and don't for get the pretty pyrex bowls I'm always pointing out!

13. an afternoon at the park downtown. Just our sweet family, playing in the sprinklers, and enjoying the sunshine.

All just ideas darling, sweet thoughts to make a day special. Because being a mommy is hard work, thought I wouldn't trade my job for any other (most days) and I'm so happy that I'm the mommy to your babies. <3


  1. Ooh, what a nice list! I love the mama bear mug. My husband and I don't have any kids, but it has been my plan for a while that when I do get pregnant, I am going straight to the coffee shop and buying that mug plus the papa bear matching mug. Can't wait!

  2. a beautiful yummy little list Fairlight. I hope your mothers day is beyond words special, you deserve it.

  3. ooh I love this list so :) and now u have me oohing and aaahing over the anthropology site!

    Do they have a whole set of those bear mugs - cause that would be cute!

    and happy mothers day to you!! is it on this sunday like ours is?

  4. friend dear, I do wish you a Mother's day every bit as dreamy as your list was...you are such a truly beautiful Mommy to your girls...and I feel so blessed to have experienced that in person.

    I love + miss you.
