Wednesday, March 17, 2010

West Coast trip Take 2

the food
oh, the food

We nearly drowned in delicious
yummy over-the-top meals

Every table setting for breakfast and lunch
was beautiful.
Candles in jars,
flowers in glasses,
napkins, a candy bar,
little boxes of sweet words
of encouragement and love,
fruit, fruit, and more fruit
Salads and cookies
lots of giggling
a little glass that kept being passed
full of slips of paper,
each one funnier than the last
a pause to say
"thank you Jesus
for bringing us all together"
lots of food photography

See what I mean?
(and do you see Nikki's legs stand on the window seat
taking pictures too?)

the hysterical game of "randoms"
some of us got quite tickled


Our beautiful cooks, Dawna, Katie, and Nikki
and their meal below.

the candy bar
comprised of all of our favorite candies

the chocolate covered gummy bears that
our west coast girls are always raving about

oh so yummy
I was so busy enjoying the food I think
I forgot to talk during the meal

Yummy breakfast spearheaded by Courtney.
Some very funny quotes came about because
of the amazing strata.
And Andi's now-famous zucchini muffins.
I think I ate 4 of them.
I wish I could post the pictures of all of us
sitting around the table sharing this breakfast
but we made a promise to not share
no-makeup hair-not-fixed, tired, no-bra
pictures on blogs and FB.
It is one of my favorites though.
Heart you girls!

Our beautiful last dessert
fixed by Dawna and Katie.
A traditional Aussie pavlova with fruit.
It was divine and will probably
become one of our favorite summer standby's.


  1. love love love love love
    this post

    and now Im ultra hungry.. because the food really was...


  2. sounds like heaven Ü

  3. Oh oh oh the food!!
    As I drove home my mouth was literally watering for the strata. I've already made the strata and the quinoa salad, though without pomegranates...apparently they are no longer in season! Boohoo!
    Beautiful photos, and I'm really sad I missed the pavlova. :-(

  4. Seriously - it just looks heavenly!!

  5. gosh, now I totally need a snack.
    and a pretty one, at that!!

    lovely post :-)

  6. Such a pretty post Fairlight. The food really was as yummy as it was pretty. You girls are such incredible cooks. And this post is making my tummy growl. Loved it. All of it. So much. Anyone else ready to start planning next years menu? If not we could repeat and I am sure everyone would be happy.

  7. Anonymous4:13 AM

    Wow...this floral centerpiece looks awesome. It was nice going through your blog. keep it up the good work.

  8. sounds like you ladies had such a great time. And pavlova's - I just learned about them last summer. mmmm. They are a family favorite now!
