Wednesday, December 09, 2009

A new adventure

The giveaway is closed. Nikki is the random winner! Congrats Nikki!

Hello all of my friends!
Such exciting news to share and a fun goodie.
Several months ago,
I was approached about contributing
to a nation craft magazine called "Crafts'nThings"
I was quite excited and scared at the same time,
but with some encouragement
and quite a few emails back and forth
I submitted my first designs in September
for the January/February issue.

One of them was picked up and accepted for publishing.
It is been a long wait to get to see it finally in print,
but yesterday the issue arrived in my mailbox
and I can't quite explain the thrill I got
from seeing my pictures and words on a glossy page.
Kind of addicting, I must admit. :)

A fun little sidenote: Two of the pictures that were chosen
happened to be a birthday gift to the ever lovely Chelle
and a small gift to her daughter Annabelle!

My editor is more than kind and I'm delighted to be part of their team.
I also can't wait to show you subsequent issues
that I'm part of as well!
But all in good time.

Now, on to goodies!
I want to share some of the excitement with you guys
so I'm going to be giving away a copy
of the Jan/Feb issue of Crafts'nThings to one lucky person!
If you want to enter please leave
your name, email, and
favorite Christmas craft for this year in the comments.
Addition entries if
you blog about it,
facebook link it,
or twitter it!
Just let me know in the comments.

You have until Monday, the 14th to enter
Good luck!


  1. I'm so excited to hear this, Fairlight. Of course, it doesn't surprise me at all they've picked you and your lovely talent!

  2. EEEeEeeekkk! it's here!!
    So SO proud of you Fairlight - what an achievement!
    You can be sure I will be entering everyway possible specially seeings we don't get that mag here.

    so exciting my dear :)

  3. I am so excited for you Fairlight!! I will definitely blog about it/fb it, but I already phoned Benj to pick it up for me on his way home tomorrow :( But so excited for you and can't wait to see your sweet goodies! No surprise that your talent would end up in a world wide mag.!!

  4. How cool, Fairlight!! What an honor--and apparently it's going to happen MORE if your talent is to be featured in future issues! Congratulations!

  5. Oh, goody, goody!!!!! So giddy for you and your maiden publication. I am now going to make a prediction, it's just the first of many. So blown away by you dear friend. You know how I feel as you have heard me tell you time and again that it's about time you were
    " discovered. "
    I am off on a hunt for my own copy tommorow. And I am wearing my yo-yo necklace tonight. I adore it. Oh so much. And how lucky to get to be on the recieving end of such amazing gifts, and handmade with such care + love.

    Sooooo wanting it to be March.

  6. Congratulations Fairlight! So exciting!!

  7. Yay for you! What an honor and how exciting...and more issues to come? That's so cool! I'm going to be on the look out for my very own copy at the store as well! I can say "I know this girl!"

  8. this is really really exciting fairlight.. I like all the others is not the least bit surprised you do make the lovliest of things! :)

  9. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Wow wow wow wow wow!!
    So happy for you, mama.
    Can't wait to see your stuff all "glossy", too. :)

  10. Very many congrats! Couldn't happen to a nicer, more worthy crafter :-). Thrilled with and for you!

  11. How exciting!!!

    Oh, I read on your profile that you like Alias. Best show ever :)

