Sunday, July 19, 2009

all in a Sunday evening

A spritzer on the porch.
Seltzer water and Newman's grape juice.

Fresh flowers on the table.

Tomatoes ripening on the vine.

A new skirt made from a vintage sheet.

14 cucumbers off of one vine!

Watering the garden.

Some swinging, but no looking at the camera.

Catching fairy fluff.

Playing in the water.

A cup of Lady Grey tea.

The books that we are pouring over at the moment
and the notebook to write our thoughts and plans in.

And the last installment of Frontier House.
Mike's dreaming. :)

It's been a good evening.


  1. love this post, this glimpse at you all.

    love sadie watering.

    love seeing your dreams stacked on your nighstand.

    love the veggies.

    I just love it.
    makes me feel like I know you even more...

    still praying.

  2. what a perfect way to spend the evening!
    and I must try that spritzer - it's looks so pretty and refreshing!

  3. I can't wait to meet you, Fairlight! These glimpses into your life only make the wait sweeter, and how beautiful they are...your girls are so precious

  4. loooove the self sufficient life. looove john seymore. He's so totally biased about everything. Check out the new self sufficient gardener some time too. :)

  5. I adore how you girls truly lengthen the summer out - so many lovely thoughts on gardening and reading and baking and playing and sewing - don't get me wrong, I know they're definitely not the "lazy days" of summer for you four!

  6. perfect post :)

    I am sitting here & it is cold and rainy and miserable - it has been all day & I must admit I am a little bit jealous ;) But I'm so glad to see u guys enjoying the season and your time together.

    Praying along with u guys that you will soon be in your own little Frontier House. Well with modern necessitates, like the internet ;D

    love u x

  7. You asked about books, I'd recommend. Right now I'm reading "the backyard homestead" and it's surprisingly good. I also like "Root Cellaring: Natural Cold Storage of Fruits & Vegetables." It's an older book and definitely not fancy, but it has lots of good information if you're interested in root cellaring. A fun book is "MaryJane's Ideabook, Cookbook, Lifebook: For the Farmgirl in All of Us." I've checked it out from the library a couple times. It's more of a coffee table book, but enjoyable to read from time to time.
