Monday, June 22, 2009

You are...

turning 38 today.
The 1st birthday we celebrated together
you were turning 31
and now here you are
38 and all grown up now.
(wink wink, laugh)

You are my darling,
my friend,
my lover,
my choice above all other.

We laugh.
We flirt.
We love.
We drive each other crazy -
keep each other sane.
We hold each other tight
and hold each other together.
We're each better because of the other.
Life is so amazing
with you...
and I wouldn't have it
any other way.

Happy Birthday Mike,
I love you.


  1. I just read Jacy's post about her hubby and then this... and I am thinking -Wow are we a bunch of blessed women or what?? :)

    So sweet. I love the holding hands picture. :)

  2. SO SWEET!! I just wrote a "belated" post for Benji turning 29 :) and Father's DAy...I love the holding hands pic too! Aren't June bdays the most specialist!!

  3. Oh Wendi, what you say is ever so true. We are very blessed ladies.

    Jacy - June is full of b'day's for us. :) I think it's pretty special.

    Thanks Misha!

  4. After I read your post I had to go give my sweetie some sugar (kisses). Your words made me think about and remember how much I love my husband...thank you!

  5. seriously sweet.
    so much so.

  6. So embarssed to be sitting here in the libary with tears falling down my cheeks...this made me cry because it's just so sweet...
    and because I love how you much you love him and he loves you.
    And because I miss you. I was just getting our phones set up tonight. The ten faves are pending and should be active by we can talk for free, maybe even tommorow if you are avaiable?

    Happy late birthday Mike from David, Chelle, Annabelle and Jack with love!

  7. this is so incredibly beautiful...we are such blessed women to have been gifted with incredible men...LOVE the picture!
