Monday, June 01, 2009

7 years

11 years ago, I met a man and fell for him.
3 years later, he asked me to marry him,
and 1 year later, I did.
Now, 7 years have gone by since that day,
and I love him more than ever.

I'm so glad that I said, "yes"
and even though we've had a lot to learn
in these past 7 years,
I wouldn't trade them for anything.
Because I was with him.
And I'm ever so excited
to get to plan and spend my future with him.

My dear husband,
I'm looking forward to
the next 70 x 7 years together.



  1. ahhhh sweetness, happy happy anniversary dear Fairlight...
    this post is so very sweet.
    I hope the day is too.


  2. Happy Anniversary you two!
    Have a wonderfully happy day planning the next several to come and dreaming of the next seventy.
    Hugs for you both.

  3. happy anniversary fairlight!!!!!!

  4. Wonderful post. And so, so true that even thought we learn, and struggle, and learn and grow alot every moment is so worth it!!

    Happy anniversary!

  5. Happy, happy anniversary, Fairlight! A friend just wrote on her facebook (who celebrated her seventh this last weekend, too) that in seven years all the cells in the body regenerate. So, she said, she essentially was married to an entirely new person and one she would choose all over again.

    Isn't that so sweet? :)

    I hope the next seven will be better and sweeter than the first even have. And that the next few days will spoil you - even if you can't be catered to. :)


  6. oh happy anniversary! 7 years!? how they must fly by. i am loving that sweet pic so much!

  7. So many happy wishes to you dear friend on your anniversary! And wishing and praying for many more years of bliss for you guys!
    love you

  8. Congrats on seven years! That is a big deal! Hope you get to do something special to celebrate! Love this it you and your honey?

  9. sooo sweet.
    I know Im late in saying this but hope you had a lovely anniversary and many many many more amazing years of laughter and learning and growing together.
