Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Contemplations from the Kitchen

When I started my old blog several years ago, I did a weekly post called "Contemplations From the Kitchen" that usually consisted of a favorite recipe that I had made that week, and a family story surrounding it. A friend recently told me that several of her family's now favorite foods were from those posts and why didn't I start doing them again. And it didn't sound like a bad idea. I love to cook and bake. I don't mind sharing and most of us are always on the lookout for new tried-and-true, never fail, good for you recipes that our families will love. I don't know if this will be an every week thing or just random times, but I hope you enjoy them.
I promise they will always be delicious and usually {fairly} good for you.

This recipe is from my friend Morgan. One afternoon my girls went over to play with her boys and while we were over, she offered us brownies. Being female, a rarely turn chocolate down and said "yes." She cut me a nice big square and I was hooked at the 1st bite. After eating all of mine and eying Olivia's, I asked her if they were from scratch or if they were a box. I have never had any luck with from scratch brownies and I'm always looking for a good recipe. She said, "Oh no! Their from scratch! Here, I'll write the recipe down for you." She whipped out her recipe, grabbed a blank recipe card and wrote it down for me and I've guarded it with my life ever since then.
It's that good.

Best Brownies Ever
1c. butter, melted
2 1/4c. sugar
1 T. vanilla
4 eggs
1 1/2c. flour (you can split it and do half AP and half WW and no one will know!)
1c. cocoa powder
1t. salt
1c. chocolate chips

While the butter is melting in a saucepan on the stove, add the sugar and vanilla to a large mixing bowl. Sift dry ingredients into a small bowl. Add melted butter to sugar/vanilla combo and mix well on low speed. Add eggs, one at a time. Slowly incorporate dry ingredients into the wet. Fold in chocolate chips. Spread in a buttered 9x13" pan. (I use olive oil) Bake at 350ºF for 30 minutes.
Enjoy the best brownies ever.


  1. I must try these, boy do they look yummy... I hope I too can add it to my aresenal!!!

  2. those look like the best brownies ever!! I can almost smell them now lol I wish I could have ate one with you!! Lord knows I needed a moment for that


  3. it's funny because I read your blog then and I loved ALL of your recipes! I have always wished you would post more contemplations from your kitchen - your baked ravoili is still one of our favs!!!

    can't wait to try the brownies....

  4. How I am loving this latest installment of Contemplations From the Kitchen...I've missed the regular installments. You are an absolute queen in the kitchen and I love getting recipes from you.

    And not only do the brownies look beyond tempting and I am so excited to try them, but the way each shot is so beautifully staged only makes them that much more appealing. I'll come over and eat brownies with you, any day...

    Miss you dear.

  5. Yeah I miss those! I can't wait to try the brownies. God Bless!
