Tuesday, March 17, 2009

A Camping We Must Go...

with pretty things and flowers on our table. Real dishes and curtains fluttering in the wind. Tiny beds made up with warm down comforters, and thumb-tack postcards on our wall.

Mike and I are in the very middle of planning out our vacation time for the 1st half of the year. And while we do have differing opinions on most everything else, one thing we always agree on is a camping trip. It's usually a big one. 4 days, no electricity, no showers (ick, I know but we do "wash" every night,) cooking over the fire, sleeping in a tent, lots of hiking, etc. It's always tons of fun and we love it. But, we have thought about purchasing a camper to take with us, to ease the amount of work and leave room for more of the "fun" stuff.
In this months MaryJane's Farm magazine there was a whole article on "glam-ping" (glamor camping) and ladies who use vintage campers. We thought it was pretty cool and then low and behold I found a vintage camper on craigslist over the weekend. And today I've run across the coolest photo shoot ever and I think this is seriously something we are going to have to do!

Because seriously, who wouldn't want to go camping, if you could look this cool while doing it? :)

Photography by Nicole Hill Gerulat for Rubberball


  1. Oh my, I adore this post! Glamp-ing is right up my alley and let you tell you, it is my dream to own a tiny airstream someday. Super in love with this post.
    Those pictures are to die for.

    Sorry to have missed you today. Must talk tommorow. So much to tell you. ;)

  2. oooh wow!

    Go and buy that vintage Craigslist find girl! Because I know you would look so glamorous 'glamping' it up!

    Ps. How are you Lady? Miss chatting with you!

  3. I love those photos!!! So so cute! We are also planning a camping trip this summer, but how stylish would it be to go in that!!!

    Loved this post, Fairlight

  4. truth be told, I am not much of a camper! Infact, Tucker usually goes with my brother in-law and my sister and I spend the weekend at home!!!
    But if it were that glamorous, I think even I would have fun!!!!

  5. Anonymous7:11 PM

    Glamping...I love it! Now that looks like my kind of camping! Hope all is well across the road!! ;-)
