Friday, February 20, 2009

What I've been up to...

I've kind of been MIA this week in blogland, and I'm sorry about that. But, I have been busy! I had a deadline to meet with my upcoming demo and class at the local quilt store so I've been busy busy busy starting and finishing up my display models.
I thought I would share what projects I've been up to lately, sorry for the very picture heavy post, but I've promised myself to do a better job this year taking pictures of the things I make.
Without further ado - my recent crafting projects (with commentary)

tee-shirt gifts for four of Olivia's friends. They each have their initial on them.

They were well received as all 4 kids ripped off the shirt they were wearing to put these on.
Wrapped up and ready for gift giving.

New word pillows went off in the mail this week for a (get this) professional photoshoot! Love the detail work and I've come up with some new back designs that I love.

I'm working on a shop update (Monday I hope) and these pretties will be in there!

Appliqued onsies is part of my demo at the quilt shop.

This cupcake cutie tee will also be on display at the shop. Olivia can't wait to get it back and actually get to wear it!

And last, but not least is the bag I am going to be teaching. It's from Amy Karol's book, bend-the-rules Sewing. I'm loving this bag and I'm excited to get it back and use it this summer. The chocolate linen is super yummy and I've re-fallen in-love with embroidery.

I've already gotten a custom order just from taking this into Starbuck's on my way to drop it off for display at the quilt store. Can't wait!

If you made it through this entire post, I congratulate you and thanks for indulging me!
Have a wonderful weekend friends!


  1. Oh my gosh soooo lovely! I was beginning to wonder where you may have ran off to. For if you are going to run off anywhere, I hope it would be my house!
    Your prjects are wonderful! I adore the pillows.... and especially the bag! FABULOUS!
    Love you and you are missed!!!

  2. oh my so much loveliness, where to start, the shirts, the applique, the bags, you have been a busy busy girl!! Oh my.

  3. Oh Fairlight, all of your projects are absolutely darling! As always, I am especially smitten with your word pillows. HOw you make them so incredibly charming is beyond me. Best of luck w/ your class teaching and etsy update!

  4. You, dearie are flat out amazing!

    Such delights! Adoring it all so much...loving the fabrics on the backs of those pillows...loving all the super sweet embroidery work, totally adore the bag and the earrings are so, so lovely.

    Everything is just stunning.
    Can't wait to see that shop update.

  5. love all of the projects! beautiful.
