Monday, February 09, 2009

on a lazy Sunday

See this pretty dress?
It was my Christmas present
from my dear husband.

It was my first time to wear it.

the girls enjoyed the beautiful spring-like weather.

Rose tool a ride in her boat.

She loves to slide and will slide any slide
we put her on.
Any. Seriously.

Do their faces not tell the whole story?

We made a cake,

that called for fresh coconut

and turned out amazing.

We had beautiful weather that we loved
and a good morning at church
and then in the evening we headed back to church
to watch the movie "Fireproof"
that the marriage ministry showed.

I love easy days full of sunshine and giggles.
Resting and eating really good food.
Cooking in a clean kitchen and snuggles with the people
I love most in the world.


  1. what a lovely lovely day.
    you and your girlies look oh so beautiful

    and that cocunut, yum!

  2. Your dress is gorgeous! YOU are gorgeous! Your girls look so adorable with their matching dresses too. I love the Movie, Fireproof. Our church has shown it before and are again on Valentines Day...I think I cried through the whole thing lol

    Loving the pictures of you and your girls

  3. cute dress, cute girlies, and that cake looks to die for!! what did you think of fireproof? it is next in my netflix que!!

  4. What a lovely day you all had.
    How are you doing sweet friend? enjoy some Spring temps for me!

  5. your hubby bought you a dress - so sweet!
    And by the way, Olivia looks perfectly pretty and put togeter (as does Rose, of course)!!!

    a perfect way to spend a Sunday!

  6. Pretty mama! I love your new dress! So glad that you had a happy Sunday!

  7. I just read your comment on an earlier post...about our decision for me staying home with the boys..Can I just say thank you Fairlight, for your kind words...I feel so relieved to have made that decision and feel with my whole heart it is the very best choice I can make wtih my boys. I so wish we really could hang out and be stay at home mommies together...How much fun with that be? I certainly wouldn't mind living in the Lowcountry with you ;)

  8. Darling dress, darling you, darling hubby (4 the gift of beauty), darling girls, beautiful sunshine = wonderful day!
    What did you guys think of the movie? We just watched it at the local theater. He ran it for free! Two Sundays in a row.
    Miss you!! Love all of the photos, thanks for sharing.
    Loves!! Aminta

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  10. So fun to see that dress on you, the very one I heard all about...and you look drop dead gorgeous in it! Tell Mike, I am seriously impressed.

    Love, love, love these pictures and this post and that cake looks so amazing. But then, I am such a sucker for anything coconut.
