Thursday, January 29, 2009

winter blahs

It has been grey and chilly, blustery and rainy for the good part of a week now and inspiration has seemed very far away. I've moved furniture around and cleaned and baked, but still, the winter doldrums are running high around here. Very little picture taking is going on because it's too dark in the house and too cold (rainy, windy, dark, drippy, freezing - enter your own wintery idea here) outside.

Consequently, I've been on the web doing lots of browsing.
Here's a list of pretty and inspiring things from this week.

I love this sweet bag idea. Perfect for spring.

Thinking about some of the ideas in this.

I enjoyed this post and will certainly be tuning in for the weekly installments.

I'm enjoy the decor8 blog in general. I know it's been around for a while, but I don't think I've even checked it out before. {Note to self: add to blog-roll!}

I've been inspired by the challenge on this lady's blog. A spending hiatus! {Suggestion: scroll to the bottom of the last link and read the 1st three posts}
I have to say that I haven't been on a complete hiatus from spending, by I do understand the desire to cut out "mindless" spending. So, I've been doing my best to shop with my mind fully engaged and to stay away from the places where I tend to spend frivolously (ie:Target!!!) and shopping for good deals on Craigslist and at the thrift shops, which has been a lot of fun. (How is that for a run on sentence?)

I like this sweet pattern and hope to try it soon. You can see a slightly different version here. <3 href="">Nei Nei is back?

I've been enjoying "habit" on a daily basis.

I am inspired after finding this cool lady's blog via her interview on m.writes.

I'm very curious to try this restraunt that a sweet friend of mine introduced me too.
I'm hoping for a double date in the near future. ;)

This rainbow cake repulses me and intrigues me at the same time. I just can't decide. What do you think?

I'm working through my own "closet cleanse" and and found these tips very helpful.

Ok, I know there are more. But I'm going to call it good and hope you find some inspiration of your own along the way. I'm hoping for some good weather coming up so I can take some pictures of my newly arranged living room and school room.


  1. thanks for all the ideas of more blogs to get addicted to. Just what I need. But it is all very inspiring too.

  2. a fabulous list! I too love decor8...and I cleaned out my closet this week...or should I say cleaned up my closet this week!...will have to keep those closet tips in mind for next time!
