Monday, January 19, 2009

in the quiet

My grandmother, mom, and sister left on this early rainy Sunday morning.
Mike and I decided to skip out on church for a day of rest at home.
He made us a delicious breakfast.
We shared two cups of coffee.
We snuggled on the couch and read books while the girls slept in.
We listened to a bunch of old records that I picked up at the thrift store on Sat.
We danced around to the "Hokey Pokey" and "Bunny Hop" with Olivia.
I did laundry. It's nice to have clean towels and clean rugs and clean slipcover.
Rose and I took a almost 2 hour nap on the couch while Mike and Olivia played
Candyland and hung up Olivia's new calender.
We ate popcorn and bagel sandwiches for lunch.
We watched a movie and snuggled in bed together.
We made cookies from the Martha Stewart Cookie book (Mike's Christmas present to me.)
We called Mike's mom and dad and caught up on all the family news.
We all snuggled on the couch and watched another movie, read books, and ate cookies.
I cut Mike's hair, and scrubbed the girls, then tucked them all into bed and fell asleep.
It was a great day.
I love those quiet restful days.
It was raining and windy and chilly outdoors, but we were warm and loved inside.

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