Tuesday, December 23, 2008

December Daily: Day 23

Day 23

While I was cleaning house and baking today,
Olivia decided to take some pictures around the house.
I love seeing things from her perspective.

In the evening some friends came over
and we had a lovely fire,

read the Christmas story,
watched The Polar Express
while drinking hot chocolate
(the grown-up's laced with coffee. Delicious! My new favorite.)

and eating gingerbread still warm from the oven
and topped with freshly whipped cream.

After that, the kids played upstairs
while the grown-up's played a few round of
"catch phrase."

It's wonderful to share the company of sweet friends
and enjoy good food and share lots of laughs.
It makes Christmas.
I have to wonder what each of us will remember from this night.


  1. I love your shared memories, Olivia is pretty good with the camera I must say...Like mother like daughter? Love you Fairlight

  2. Wishing you a very merry Christmas! LOVE you dear girl!

  3. so, how was your holiday?????
