Tuesday, December 16, 2008

December Daily: Day 15

Day 15


I love the smell of:

the candles that Olivia insisted we light
all over the downstairs because
"today is a special day Mommy!"

I love the sound of:

the Christmas carols that play continuously
in our home

I love the taste of:

my morning yogurt, granola, and frozen strawberries

I love the sight of:

our Christmas tree lights glowing

I love the feel of:

my girls sitting on my lap
hugs and kisses
being loved

~inspiration from miss marta


  1. I am really loving your December daily's, Fairlight! Your family picture is SO adorable! I love the stripey socks on the girls how cute!!! You guys are really such a beautiful family!

    Love you dearly friend

  2. You ladies are very much making the very most of your Christmas season. I'm taking notes so I can learn how to truly enjoy this time and not rush through it! ;)
