Friday, December 12, 2008

December Daily: Day 11

I love a good day, don't you?
A friend called in the morning, her little daughter craving some friend time,
and the rainy day just begging for an arts project.
So we wipe our day clean, laid some new plans, and had a delightful day - just because.
We made gum drop wreaths and had fun finishing the ends of them after the kids went off to play. Christmas music in the background, kids playing well, and Mom's getting time to just talk even though our hands were busy.

When Mike he burst in the door hollering for us to come outside, he wanted to show us something! We all ran out the door in to the sprinkling rain and we were met with sunshine and a double rainbow that stretched across our entire neighborhood.
The pictures could never do it justice.

The we pulled on our boots and grabbed a couple of jackets and the pruners, buckled the kids in the wagon and took off for the woods to find some greenery to finish decorating with. All was successful.

We came home and had dinner and sugar cookies fresh from the oven with just a bit of frosting.

A good day, yes, a good day.


  1. Your day sounds too GOOD to be true :) I love those kind of days and for some reason over here, they are becoming far and rare

  2. I love it when that happens, you come to the end of a day and realize, it was perfect!

    So much Christmas delight found here. Have I told you how much I love your dailys?

  3. absolutely perfect! your willingness to roll with whatever the day hands you is encouraging ... i need to be more like that! ;)
