Tuesday, December 02, 2008

December Daily : Day 1 & 2

I'm not ever going to be able to make
an actual December Daily journal
{like the incredibly talented Ali Edwards }
during this most busy of busy months,
so I thought I would {try} to do it here on my blog.
I don't know how I will do blogging every day for 25 day,
especailly since it's already the 2nd
and I've not posted anything,
but I am going to try.
Join me, why don't you?

Day 1

I snapped this picture of Sadie~Rose
as she was "playing" the piano
while I was unpacking Christmas decorations.

She is now officially in love with the piano.
It didn't end so well,
and she was mad at me for the rest of the afternoon
but it made for a really cute picture.

Day 2

Today our special Christmas thing
was making sugar cookies in the evening.
Mike wasn't feeling well, so we only made one
cookie sheet full.
But we had fun and we have lots left for the next few days.

Olivia got to eat the 1st one!
A snowman.

She enjoyed biting his head off. :)

Are these for Santa?
I think not. :)


  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    The picture of Rose is priceless. I LOVE it.

    Cannot beat cookies and milk - and we have the same glasses ;)

    I don't know if I'm motivated enough to do all month...maybe the last 12? ;)

  2. I love your pictures, Fairlight! Especially the piano one- that is so sweet! And goodness, I can totally relate with the December Daily thing- I really, really wanted to make one this year, but have I even started? No...

  3. i love the piano photo, and i can't believe you're baking cookies already. Ü

  4. oh, I am so excited that you are doing a December Daily... I am so tempted to join you.

    and loving those pictures and looking forward to the coming posts.

  5. You always take the cutest pictures of your girls! They are so adorable, Fairlight I can't say that enough lol I am so in the mood for baking cookies I need new cookie cutters though lol Can't find mine in storage ANYWHERE!! Im so glad you guys are having a fun buisy time though and I look so forward to reading your december dailys :) I would do it if I didn't already almost kill myself trying to post every day in November (and I still didn't lol ) maybe next year. It really was a lot of fun though and then going back and reading it all :)
    Love YOU sweet darling friend of mine! I am so glad to have you in my life:)

  6. oh how i love the pic of olivia with the snowman cookie. so sweet! :)

  7. hello girl :)
    I loved this post and this idea and how brave you are to create something like this at this time of year!!

    I love that pic of Sadie too

    and now i must be off...
    gotta bake some cookies too!!!

  8. Love all the creative pictures!!!
