Thursday, November 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Rose

One year ago today I woke up and realized that it was my due date and also, last year, the day before Thanksgiving. She was being stubborn and not wanting to leave her very crowded but comfortable abode. I decided to be stubborn to and just pretend I wasn't pregnant and make a day if it, getting ready for the big Thanksgiving meal we had planned. I made pies, side dishes, rolls, and lots of mess. All day long I worked, and didn't think too much about it when I had to stop to breath between contractions.
When Mike came home we made a quick trip the the chiropractor's and an even quicker stop at the grocery store where I had to stop and breath every other aisle.
At home we ate a quick supper and I started making my last pie of the day, a pumpkin pie. Timing my contractions and laying my head on the cool counter tops during the tough ones, I made it through and stuck the pie in the oven and immediately told Mike to call my midwife. I labored upstairs with the smell of pie wafting through the house. When the pie was finished someone ( I have no idea who) took it out and put our birth kit in to warm while a sweet little Rose was being born. Just 3 1/2 hours after my labor started, she made her beautiful quiet entrance into our world with not a sound made and promptly feel asleep on my chest. Someone quickly grab our kit out of the warm oven and snuggled a cap on her head. I kept sniffing her, like any new mommy does, enjoying all of her newborn smells, but something kept catching me but I couldn't put my finger on it. I mentioned it to my midwife who took a good whiff and then we all had to laugh when we realized that our little baby Rose smelled like pumpkin pie from her little cap. She was our beautiful amazing baby and we were so thrilled to have her for our very own. One year later and we are all still just as in-love and thrilled that this sweetie pie is part of our little family.

just born...

one month...

two months...

three months...

four months...

five months...

six months...

seven months...

eight months...

nine months...

ten months...

11 months...

Today my dear girl is one.
We are planning a pretty polka dot birthday party
(in the blogging community tradition)
for tomorrow.
But today is just our own.
Just us,
just our little family.
We've loved every minute of this past year,
even the hard moments.
And it is a bittersweet day to see my
tiny baby really become a one year old.
Pictures will be taken,
packages unwrapped,
video recorded,
and a candle lit.
All in celebration of one amazing little girl.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Happy 1st Birthday Sadie~Rose!!!!
    Love YOU ALL!!
    Uncle Jarrett, Aunt Bobbie & Drew

  2. Fairlight, she is such a precious little Treasure, and so stunningly beautiful, all you girls are! HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ms Rose and how funny that she was born on her due date...Ryder was born on his original dd as well and what are the odds of that?

    loves to you all on this very special and dear to your heart day!


  3. what a beautiful birth story and a beautiful girl. happy birthday miss sadie-rose!

  4. Happy 1st Birthday Miss Sadie Rose!!

    This was a beautiful post Fairlight and it sounds like it was a pretty amazing and calm labour and birth at home.

    I hope you polka dot party is a blast (which I'm sure it will be!)can't wait to see photos!

    And what a beautiful little girl she is :)


  5. A very happy birthday to Miss Sadie Rose! I absolutely loved all of these pictures of her first year - such a sweet girl!

  6. What a pumpkin pie she is...I adore her birth story...and all the precious pictures and memories from every month of her first year...such sweetness she has brought into your lives...reading this just makes me that much more excited to get closer to the day when we get to meet "ours."
    Have the a happiest little birthday weekend and polka dot party! I cannot wait to see the pictures and hear all about it.

  7. happy birthday Rose (belated)
    loved watching you grow in those pictures.

    gosh fairlight what a sweetie pie!
