Wednesday, October 08, 2008

maternity photos #1

I had my 1st maternity shoot this past Saturday with a friend and her sweet family.
I had a lot of fun, her boys are the sweetest, and it was great to meet her husband and see how in-love they are with each other.

Thank you J + M for letting me do this! It was lots of fun and I hope your pleased.
Now, hurry up sweet baby, we're all waiting impatiently for you!


  1. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I think you did a wonderful job Fairlight! I like the one where mom is against the wall and the little one is running away into the shadows the best :)

  2. Such a naturally goregous family...and I adore all of the shots...I think they are going to be so pleased. Job well done sweet friend. I must say though I am most partial towards Mommy with boy #2...what a a beautiful connection! I am so proud of you. You did a gorgeous job!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. oh, they are BEAUTIFUL - amazing job, sweet girl, amazing.....

  5. These are exquisit Fairlight! I can't even choose a favorite becasue they are all so wonderful! You did such a great job I just know that they will be pleased!

  6. wow Fairlight, these shots turned out wonderfully. i think your friend will be very very pleased :)

    I especially love the hsots without the faces - those shots still capture so much :)

    Are you enjoying lightroom? :) my free time is almost over :(!

    ps. what camera do you use?

  7. ps. I second Jacy's comment - I can't even pick a favourite either!

  8. Beautiful! So excited for them to have them. They really will be thrilled.
    Okay, I noticed the tatoos on momma and dadda, and think there is something oddly appealing. I like how different they were.
    And does she not have the cutest BIG pregnant belly ever! SHEESH! If I looked that good I wouldn't mind pictures either. ;)
    Loves and congrats on you photo shoot! BEAUTIFUL!

  9. Beautiful pictures! I think the last one is my favorite ~ if only to see a naturally happy family at play! {I definitely think this is the start to something absolutely HUGE! ;)}

  10. so sweet Fairlight
    and so proud of you
    can I say these totally have a flavor of your own, and I love that....
    I really do!!

  11. what a great set. Ü
