Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I would never do this

Nope, not me. I would never pull out the graham crackers, the peanut butter, and the chocolate chips and combine them. I bet it would taste good. Especially if you got the peanut butter to chocolate chip ratio figured out(i.e. less pb and more chips.) What's not to like?
But I mean, come on! Who would do this?
Like I said, not me.
Never me.


It's just been that kind of day.


  1. Oh, I don't think I would ever do that either...haha. I have been known to search in the depths of my cupboard for chocolate or something sweet when I'm desperate. In fact today I raided our mini marshmellows... I've had that kind of day too!

  2. i would just eat the chocolate chips. s l o w l y. melty.

    my daughter would go for the graham crackers and the pb with.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. We do what we have to do.
    And gosh I would have so joined you, had that been possible.

  5. Aw love grahm crackers! dipped in milk so yummy...In fact I believe I might head to the cubbards now


  6. Anonymous10:38 PM

    It's a good thing I'm sitting here with chocolate chip cookies because otherwise my kitchen would have a serious raid to deal with ;)

  7. Yum! This is a wonderful treat! I just wish I had graham crackers and chocolate chips here. Guess I'll just have to settle for large spoonfuls of peanut butter. :)

  8. I would. ;) In fact, that sounds delicious, and the only thing that would equal it is spreading the sugar filled frosting from Betty Crocker all over those bad boys. Guilt free. {Here's hoping tomorrow is a little kinder, though. ;)}

  9. LOL, missing you. But in the mean time enjoy this post. To think that you think that THIS snack is bad! I will make sure to hide everything when we finally do meet! ;) jk
    Love you!

  10. we all have those days, my dear!!!
    and a sweet treat always helps wash them away, huh...

  11. Hmmmm, I think I might have to try this...:)
    Sarah :)

  12. I too have been known to raid the cooking chocolate when times are desperate.

    such a cute and funny post Miss Fairlight :)

  13. hehe I would. And I do. Quite frequently. Or just the peanut butter and a spoon. The bag of chocolate chips and my hands. :)

  14. Hey I am just dropping bye to say I love and miss you. Hope you are recovering nicely from your big party this weekend. Cannot wait to hear all about it. :) And hopefully see pictures.

    I love you.
