Thursday, October 23, 2008


Play silks that is!

I was inspired by creative Ms. Kristen and we followed these instructions.

Rose got a hold of a package, but we saved it. (Or her, how ever you look at it)

Waiting for them to soak.

Mixing up the pink.

Mixing up the purple. (This color stinks like grape cough syrup!)

And the red (also stinky!)
Our finished results. After washing and drying, the read is more tangerine/peach than bright red. We are going to try that color again. But Olivia and Sadie~Rose love them.
I bought a set of 6 big scarves (30 in) and a set of 12 handkerchiefs. Big ones for Olivia and small ones for Rose. (We have them bundle up and hiding for her birthday.) We are going to do green, blue, yellow, and orange next time.
These make great Christmas and birthday gifts and are so much fun for older kids to help with. We will be certain to do these again.


  1. HOW FUN, Fairlight! I was so interested to see your finished products and I bet you girls had so much fun in the midst of all your creativity! I hope you have the best of time on your vacation with your family, it sounds like such a peaceful getaway. If I haven't told you lately I am SO glad we are friends, Fairlight you have brought a huge amount of joy in my life and I always love coming here and then leaving with a smile
    love you dear friend

  2. Wow, they are just lovely! What a fun and productive projest to do!
    I adore it.
    Thanks as always for sharing!

  3. so glad you are talking about fabric! these look like fun and you seem very brave all that dying with little ones around, but seems like such fun. Olivia and Miss Rose are going to have the best memories of their childhood crafts with you :)
