Monday, September 29, 2008

our weekend

We had a lovely weekend. Great weather, lots of fun, and just hanging out.
We went downtown Charleston and visited the quilt store, the Farmer's Market, and just walked around taking pictures and playing in the fountains.
We drove over to Mount Pleasant and ate lunch at Whole Foods which was lovely.
It was great to just be together, have some down time, and enjoy the day.

Tomatoes at the Farmer's Market.

Some beautiful glass artwork at the Farmer's Market.
Kettle corn.

Mike and a graffiti wall.

Fall is coming.

Flags snapping at Waterfront park.

Olivia playing in the fountain.

Pineapple fountain.

Sadie~Rose dipping her toes in.

She wanted to go in deeper and sit down in it.

At Whole Foods, look at what we found in our cart!

A sweet little pumpkin!

The cutest little girls ever. :)


  1. What a fun and sweet week-end! Someday, we will just HAVE to join eachothers weekends..... :)
    Loves to you Fairlight!

  2. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Don't you love those tiny carts for the kids?
    I love the picture of Olivia and her dad!!

  3. Loved all the pictures Fairlight! Your girls are so darling and little Rose is getting so big!
    Wish we could join you!

  4. Loving all the pictures from your super fun little weekend...and that brown polka dot dress on you is so, so darling on you...YAY for so many wonderful posts from your happy little corner of the world...good for you...and I am ashamed of myself for going so long between posts.
