Monday, August 04, 2008

at it again

I've been doing a little bit of scrap booking lately. I had done a little when Olivia was very tiny but once she started to crawl, well that was kind of the end of that. But for my birthday my mom made me a treasure. A scrap book of just me for my 1st year plus a few others thrown in for good measure. :) I love it. And Olivia loves it. She has spent hours and hours pouring over the pages. And then I read this post. And I realized again how important it is to preserve and record these memories even though I agree with what Kelly had to say. I've been inspired by this sweet friend and this talented lady. And I thought I would share. I'm not too big into lots of stuff going on in my layouts and I'm not ecstatic about some of these, but at least they are on paper and in a book. An my family loves looking at them.

This was the 1st layout and it turned out just
as I had hoped.

This one went pretty well too.
I had a hard time with balancing all the page elements.
It could probably be improved, but it's special to us.

This is the first in a {soon to be} series from
our camping trip.
It turned out cute.

The two above LO go side by side and I'm
still working on the journal-ing.
It will be all about her 7th month.

My favorite.
Love the lace, the stitching, and the picture.
And the girl. :)


  1. Oooooo, I love these pages! You have done a great job! I have done very little so far for Elijah...I best get on it.
    Thank you for the inspiration!

    Sarah :)

  2. Anonymous9:35 AM

    They're beautiful Fairlight! I haven't scrap booked in aspire me to pull all my supplies out again and get back at it. I love the one of Rose with the triangles on either side (I don't know what to call them other than triangles, forgive me!)

  3. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Oops Sadie Rose ;) Saw Rosebud and had Rose on my mind!

  4. Oh Fairlight...look at all the darlingness you have accomplished. I am going to have to send you a scrap-booking-love care package. I sure wish we could be scrapbooking chums. I could sure use one. I just discovered this wonderful little store, about 20 min from us They have Sat. night cropping and they are open until midnight.
    My favorite layout is also your favorite. What a beautiful family to's no wonder you are at it again!!!

  5. love these layouts especially the stitiching on the last one... :)

    I have been doing some, but not inspired lately AT ALL.. wish I was, I just stare at all the supplies blankly... like ummm what to do, what to do.

  6. Hey! I love LOOKING at OTHER peoples scrapbooking. I DO love to pick out all of the items to go into the scrapbooks, but putting them together, for some reason, is time consuming for me.
    When my mom, Anne, was here with me, she had broken her ankle and we cared for her for a week and a half. While here we scrap booked, and THAT was fun. I guess I will do it as a project with others and for others and I will enjoy it. But the thought of doing a WHOLE scrapbook is a bit over whelming to me.
    Loves, Minta

  7. Anonymous11:20 PM

    Cute layouts! Your babe sure has adorable cheeks. They are just calling out to be squeezed! ;)

  8. beautiful scrap book! i do it a bit, but they do not look like that! great work.
