Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Sunday afternoon

Sunday afternoon we went to the park to play with my new camera.
Here are a few of my favorite shots.
And guess what!
I'm actually in a few of them! :)


  1. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. wow. WOW!

  2. ohhhh love these, and I totally recognize that banner, from wayyyy back.. hehehe.. :)
    Hope your LOVING the new camera, looks like you are!

  3. beautiful pictures, beautiful girls. camera and family are both keepers! ;)

  4. Anonymous9:04 PM

    Sooo sweet Fairlight! Glad to see you in a few of them too!
    Love the new banner ;)

  5. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Beautiful pics!! Looks like you are really enjoying the new camera!

    I've been MIA due to the fact that our computer died back in May. We finally got a new one this weekend and it's great to be back online and catching up with everyone. YAY!

    I also love the new banner!
    Looks like all is well with your sweet family!

  6. oh fairlight, it's been far far too long! i can't believe your news! love these precious pics and congratulations on your ever-growing family. what a blessing. :)

  7. I have been such a poor commentor...this pictures are lovely and it was so nice to see you in so many of them. I bet the camera is wonderful!
    In reply to a comment you made ages ago. No, I am not having this baby at home. I never found any one that I felt comfortable with, so I chose to go the hospital route again. I pray a lot and hope that everything will go well.


    Sarah :)
