Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Taking a break

An unattended one, for sure. But life gets in the way. We had a fabulous time camping. Funny stories and some pictures. I'm going to try and write a little blurb book about it to remember all the fun things we did and all that happened. We came home on a Wed. and my family arrived on Friday.
Mike and I celebrated our 6th anniversary on Saturday with a movie date (Prince Caspian) and a dinner date (Carrabba's.) It was amazing to get to spend some time alone, just the two of us, talking about all things none kid related, holding hands, sharing a glass of wine,and browsing through a book store.

We celebrated my 24th birthday Monday night with a day of planting 15 new bushes that I bought (thank you Sonny for wielding the shovel!), a delicious Mexican dinner prepared by my mother and my friend, Elizabeth, and homemade ice cream and caramel cake (yum!)
The days that followed after have been filled with shopping, furniture moving (we totally rearrange the entire upstairs,) swimming (Sadie~Rose's 1st swim and she adores the pool,) and trips to the beach (both my kids have turned into little fishes!)

I also had a very interesting senior photo shoot with my brother. There are quite a few favorites, but I'll wait until later to share a few more.

We ended up taking a few family shots too. They turned out pretty cute.
(Isn't my mom adorable? :) )

My parents and brother have departed, but Violet is still here visiting us. She will be one her way to our sister's house in FL to spend 7 weeks volunteering at an art camp for the summer. We are enjoy slow lazy days, swimming in the pool, and working on our thrifted sheet skirts.
I'll be back in the saddle next week, hopefully, In the meantime, I am visiting around everyone's blogs. So please don't think I've abandoned you all completely.
I'll be back soon~ xoxo


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Glad to see your summer started off so well & that you're still out there! ;)

  2. You have had a big week, huh?!?! Looks fantastic! Enjoy your time with your sister and make sure you share pictures of those skirts!

    You are right, your mom (& the entire family) is adorable. Hoping to see more of you soon...

  3. So nice to see you back. The pictures are lovely. Looks like you had a busy, yet wonderful week!

    Sarah :)

  4. I was Blog hopping & found you. Lovely family. I will be back to see whats going on for sure. :)

  5. Where oh where has my little friend gone? Where oh where can she be?
