Tuesday, April 15, 2008

So thankful for...

...a little one who woke up fever free and ready for the new day.
...the sun shining.
...important meetings going well for Mike.
...a darling baby who held out her arms for me to pick her up yesterday,
who learned to blow raspberries today,
and who practices sitting up on her own every chance she can.
...stacks and stacks of clean folded laundry.
...black bean chili ready to be heated up for dinner.
...warm Ghirardelli turtle brownies for dessert.
...new opportunities, job promotions, and plans for the future.
...an evening at home.
...maybe watching a Sherlock Holmes movie, maybe playing a little Nancy Drew,
or maybe just sitting together on the couch catching up on some reading.
...making preparations for Olivia's 5th birthday this Sunday.



  1. this all sounds good to me.. babies reaching, and ghiradhelli is always a plus.
    so glad life is good .. :)

  2. Happy Birthday to Miss Olivia! It sounds like things are going just right for you and your family and there's an endless string of possibilities before you right now ... what a breathlessly exciting place to be. ;)

  3. you do have lots to be thankful for and a list is a great reminder, huh?!?!
    Can't wait to hear all about Olivia's big b-day - hope it is a great one....

  4. Glad Olivia is feeling better. Annabelle is still trying to get better after having come down with a terrible fever/cough/cold last Thursday.
    So would love to hear more in detail about all this things. Sounds like so much is happening in your life right now. David's been working from 11 pm - 7 am so we are on a WHACKY schedule. But just want you to know that I am thinking of you and missing you too!

  5. Thanks for commenting on my blog. I actually found Leslie's blog through yours (through a chain of others) when you were doing your color a day thing. I loved the idea, but haven't taken the time to do it yet. We are taking a trip to Colorado this summer and I am going to use the idea with my kids on our trip with them taking the photos. Anyways, nice to meet you. I enjoy your blog.

  6. thinking of you and hoping all goes well today with the party...
    have a great time...

  7. Anonymous4:26 PM

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