Thursday, March 06, 2008

March Month of Crafting week 1

Over on Domestic Bliss we are having a very crafty month since March is National Craft month. You can read about our challenge by going here. So I got the month off on a great start by whipping up my favorite craft of the moment, appliqué shirts! These two cute shirts (if I do say so myself) were made for a friend of Olivia's, for her 3rd birthday. The best thing about this craft is that it is so quick and simple. I bought the shirts at Target ( $5.99 ea.) and made the appliqués from scrapes. It only took me an hour and a half, start to finish, and they are customizable to any child. I'm now trying to decide if I should do some for another friend's birthday. Only catch is, the party's for a boy. And I don't know how he would feel about getting clothes for his birthday. Maybe I should just stick to Lego's. What do you think?

{Wanna go for a bike ride?}

{Spring is here!}

{Let's grow!}

1 comment:

  1. What a cute gift idea!!! You are one crafty girl - if only I could be a creative....
    PS I love the pictures of your darling daughters - they are so very sweet!
